Tuesday, February 21, 2012

52/366 - "King Toss"

(F/4, 24mm, 1/60 sec, ISO 2000, Canon 7D)

Today is "Fat Tuesday" and we went to the pancake dinner at St. Andrew's in Highland Park.  Our friend Greg was "lucky" enough to be selected King, which means he leads the pancake toss.  If you are not familiar with this, they line all the boys and girls up by height and race by flipping a burnt pancake over your head and the next person in line must catch this flying pancake on a paper plate.  Repeat this until the last person in line has the pancake.  This is the "King's Toss" to start the race.  I love the face on the boy in yellow.


  1. This would be a great shot to take with a lytro. I could make the pancake and everything else in focus. heh...I just want it already and see every picture as a candidate for it.

  2. I can't wait to see it and how you use it to manipulate the photos.
