Wednesday, February 8, 2012

39/366 - "LEGO Army"

(F/3.5, 100mm, 1/100 sec, ISO 200, Canon 7D)

Jonah has been watching me do this photograph a day now for over a month, and I thought tonight he could help out.  After dinner, I asked him to get me all of the LEGO people he could find and line them up on my seamless paper.  It is mostly a Star Wars based army led by the fire chief.  He had a great time putting them all together and lining them up.  I am sure there will be more photographs inspired by his toys.


  1. If you took this with a lytro we could change the focus to the different guys.

    1. So in this particular instance I can see the value. I took about 15 shots focusing on different elements to get the photo that I liked best.
