Saturday, April 21, 2012

112/366 - "Neighborhood Watch"

(F/5.6, 300mm, 1/25 sec, ISO 100, Canon 5D Mk II)

On crappy days like today I am a little more tentative to photographic opportunities.  While I was cleaning  up from breakfast I spotted a squirrel on top of the telephone pole behind our house.  This is a first as the birds have staked their claim to this prime real estate.


  1. Great crappy day pic, I like it. Did you try different framings for this one? Like putting him to the left of the pic so you can see where he is looking.

    1. I tried a few and I had to break out the tripod really quick, so time was of the essence. I was able to get one with the squirrel to the left but it was pre-tripod so camera shake was an issue.
